Wednesday, March 16, 2011

40 Days for Life goes well

Sorry, but just haven't had the time or the inclination to do much blogging.

We are not doing an official 40 days for life but we are trying to do something in our own way. The response from parishioners and students has been very gratifying - we have been able to have prayer-vigils for between one and four hours daily (except Sunday) outside Marquette's Planned Parenthood facility since Ash Wednesday. The sun shines now and the snow is melting away. I am in the very pleasant position of having to satisfy people's requests to do an hour. "When can I do an hour, Father?" Daily phone calls and mass emailing/facebook messaging gets people committed for a day or two ahead.

Now some of the "opposition" (they are not really opposition but precisely the people whose hearts we pray may be converted) turn up when we are there. Relations are very cordial. They hold banners, we just pray.

One of the girls last week told me she was brought up without a father and she doesn't think any child should be brought into the world without a father. When I said "But look, you are here, and isn't that wonderful?" it was as if it was the first time someone told her she was wonderful.

Prayer and love needs to be poured out for these young women who are simply the play things of men thanks to contraception and abortion.

Here's a video that seems to sum up the alternative that users of Planned Parenthood need. from Cardinal Newman Society on Vimeo.


  1. " . . . these young women who are simply the play things of men thanks to contraception and abortion."
    Yes, Father, that has been the result of so-called feminism. In fact, as promoted, it has been the very opposite.
    It militates against women (no excuse to say "no") and babies (get rid of it) and against men taking responsibility for their actions.


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