40 Days for Life London:
And we're supposed to believe that BPAS is a charity, or that abortion providers offer a 'service'.
BPAS, just like Marie Stopes, is a business, and a business is there to make money. Last year, BPAS income was 25,042,000 pounds - an increase of 3% on their 2008/09 income. Almost all of that came from the NHS, paid for by the public through taxes.
Planned Parenthood states:
Nationwide, the cost at health centers ranges from about $350 to $950 for abortion in the first trimester. The cost is usually more for a second-trimester abortion. Costs vary depending on how long you've been pregnant and where you go. Hospitals generally cost more.
Wow. This is horrifying. Could you imagine being the person creating the fee scale and putting a price on a dead babies body? Ugh! Gives me chills. Cannot believe these people actually think they are providing a good "service." They are all part of a the baby-killing business. I pray their hearts change and they soon realize the TRUTH.