The last time I posted was a few days after arriving at my new parish of
St Anthony in Gwinn, MI. I have been very busy getting acquainted with parish and parishioners. I have to inform my readers that I am extremely happy with the appointment. Parishioners have been most welcoming. My predecessor, Father Ron Timock, has left the parish in a very good state spiritually. Under his stewardship this somewhat modern church was reordered according to a much more traditional line. There are many statues, a fine tabernacle (which used to be at St Peter's Cathedral Marquette) centrally positioned, "Benedictine" arrangement of crucifix and candles on the altar, and the people are accustomed to a liturgy celebrated with dignity and reverence.

I am still wondering when I shall have my first battle. So far it all seems plain sailing in that people are just so willing to promote evangelisation, faith formation for the young and adult, etc. There is all day Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Mondays from after the 10:00am Mass until 10:00 pm. I was very pleasantly surprised by the number of people who came for Benediction at 9:45pm last Monday.
As with so many parishes here in the US there is a memorial to the victims of abortion in the lovely grounds:
You can see the very nice rectory in the background.
I am also responsible for
St Joseph's Mission in Northland some 25 miles away. I go there every Sunday for Mass at 9am. Again, there is a wonderful group of parishioners, all committed to the welfare of the parish and accustomed to a reverent and respectful liturgy.
During the past week at St Anthony's there was a Vacation Bible Study for young children. As well as the Bible they had the opportunity to learn something about the saints who were celebrated during the week. Here's a slide show of photos taken on the feast of
Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, the Lily of the Mohawks: