Sunday, March 28, 2010

Henryk Gorecki and Arvo Part

Have just taken a bit of time out to watch this most beautiful programme from the BBC's Sacred Music series. To hear two men from a modern yet past era speak about their faith in God and the inner dialogue that produces such beautiful music was truly moving, as is the music they composed.

There is much to learn for the Church. Part says words to the effect that: "I don't want to offend my listeners but I have nothing to say to them. My music is a fruit of a dialogue I have with myself." I would like to think that what he means is that he is listening to the inspiration of God within him. And the sacred music he produces is something transcendent, that is outwith this world, draws you out of this world and to a higher plane.

This is what the Sacred Liturgy should do too, and what our preaching must be the fruit of. The Church has tried for too long to be 'relevant.' The more it stays true to its timeless nature, the more it will respond to the yearning of modern man who despairs if he places his trust in this world but who soars if he places his hope in the transcendent, i.e. the Divine.

The progamme makes clear the link between religion, culture and the freedom that Poland and Estonia won from the Soviet Union.

The programme is available to watch on the BBC iplayer until 9.29pm Friday 9th April or you can download it to watch it later.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this. I am a big fan of Part. I can empathize with what he says about his music in your article. I also play music that reflects my inner motive.


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