From 15th - 24th June I was in Honduras with a number of other people from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (i.e. the Marquette diocese) as a member of a mission team called
Sirvientes de Cristo. We stayed with Father Abel, a member of the House of Bethlehem community which has a monastery and church on the outskirts of La Paz on the edge of a very poor bario.
For a starter, here are some pictures of the barrio on the outskirts of La Paz where we were staying. (I'm trying to catch up on a lot of things - including news - and so will do this piecemeal).
"We buy gold." "We repair mobile phones." Any work will do. |
I was privileged to be invited into this family's humble dwelling. |
Some other Sirvientes de Cristo outside the same family's house. |
Emily shows off the turtle she discovered. |
Some of our Sirvientes in the back of Father Abel's truck. |
Julie Bishop, one of the chief organisers, with some local school children. |
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